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Borderway UK Dairy Expo

Friday 13th & Saturday 14th March 2026



12 noon        Showmanship Competition

1.40pm         (approx.) Showmanship Championship

2pm                Heifer Show – Coloured Breed classes and Colour Junior Championship

3pm                Optimising Solar and Soils for your Dairy Business Seminar - Ring 4

4.30pm         Heifer Show – Holstein classes

6.30pm         Holstein Junior Championship

6.40pm         Genus Supreme Heifer Championship


8.00am         UK Dairy Expo opens

9.00am          Milking classes – Coloured Breeds

12.00pm       Break for lunch/visit trade stands

12.30pm       Milking classes – Holsteins

1.30pm         John Dennison Lifetime Achievement Award

2.00pm         Borderway UK Dairy Expo Rising Star Award

2.30pm         Borderway UK Dairy Expo Tidy Lines Award

4.30pm         Supreme Championship Presentations

5.00pm         Trade stands may be dismantled

7.00pm         All Britain Awards, Dinner & Dance (tickets to be purchased in advance)


*Note this subject to change by organised dependent on entry numbers